MSN - AP World MSN - AP World Copyright © 2010-2018 The Canadian Press. All rights reserved. Sat, 27 Jul 2024 08:48:29 +0000 Hope defeats despair in sisters' journey to the US e8ba552714b94f81a4032211a584ab19 Mon, 30 Jan 2023 06:00:20 +0000 SHOTLIST:RESTRICTION SUMMARY: PART MUST CREDIT MERLYN ROLO GONZALEZ; PART MUST CREDIT MAYTE ISABEL DOLADO HERNANDEZ VALIDATED UGC - MUST CREDIT MERLYN ROLO GONZALEZ++USER GENERATED CONTENT: This video has been authenticated by AP based on the following validation checks:++Video and audio content checked by regional experts against known locations and events++Video is consistent with independent AP reporting++Video cleared for use by all AP clients by content creator Merlyn Rolo Gonzalez++Mandatory on-screen credit Merlyn Rolo GonzalezNicaragua/Honduras Border - 15 December 20221. Wide of Melanie Rolo Gonzalez carrying child up hillANNOTATION: Enduring a `nightmare' to capture a dreamASSOCIATED PRESSDaytona Beach, Florida – 3 January 20232. Wide of sisters Merlyn, left, and Melanie, right, telling of their ordealVALIDATED UGC - MUST CREDIT SOURCE MERLYN ROLO GONZALEZ++USER GENERATED CONTENT: This video has been authenticated by AP based on the following validation checks:++Photo content checked by regional experts against known locations and events++Photo is consistent with independent AP reporting++Photo cleared for use by all AP clients COURTESY OF MERLYN ROLO GONZALEZ++Mandatory on-screen credit COURTESY OF MERLYN ROLO GONZALEZ3. Slow pull out on crashed smuggler vanASSOCIATED PRESSDaytona Beach, Florida – 3 January 20234. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Melanie Rolo Gonzalez, Cuban Migrant: (transcription below)VALIDATED UGC - MUST CREDIT SOURCE MERLYN ROLO GONZALEZ++USER GENERATED CONTENT: This video has been authenticated by AP based on the following validation checks:++Photo content checked by regional experts against known locations and events++Photo is consistent with independent AP reporting++Photo cleared for use by all AP clients COURTESY OF MERLYN ROLO GONZALEZ++Mandatory on-screen credit COURTESY OF MERLYN ROLO GONZALEZ5. Tight slow push in on crashed vanASSOCIATED PRESSDaytona Beach, Florida – 3 January 20236. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Melanie Rolo Gonzalez, Cuban Migrant: (transcription below)ASSOCIATED PRESSARCHIVE: Ciudad Juarez, Mexico - 19 December 2022++NIGHT SHOTS++7. Wide of migrants waiting in line to enter the U.S.ASSOCIATED PRESSHavana - 10 December 20228. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Merlyn Rolo Gonzalez, Cuban Migrant: (transcription below)ASSOCIATED PRESSARCHIVE: Tijuana, Mexico - 19 December 20229. Various of U.S.-Mexico borderASSOCIATED PRESSARCHIVE: Havana - 17 March 2022 10. Various of tourists in old HavanaASSOCIATED PRESSARCHIVE: Ciudad Juarez, Mexico - 19 December 2022++NIGHT SHOTS++11. Various of migrants waiting to enter the U.S.ASSOCIATED PRESSARCHIVE: Havana – 4 January 202312. Various of U.S. embassyUS NETWORK POOLARCHIVE: Washington - 5 January 202313. SOUNDBITE (English) Joe Biden, President: (transcription below)ASSOCIATED PRESSHavana - 10 December 202214. Various of Merlyn and sister Melanie with mother, Marialys Gonzalez Lopez15. Wide of sisters with Melanie's daughter, Madisson, and medical coats on hangersASSOCIATED PRESSARCHIVE: Havana - 4 August 202216. Wide of Havana17. Mid of Cuban flagASSOCIATED PRESSARCHIVE: Havana - 14 May 202118. Wide of doctor talking to patientsASSOCIATED PRESSARCHIVE: Havana - 20 July 202119. Various of people pushing gurney into hospital20. Wide of banner with image of revolutionary Che GuevaraASSOCIATED PRESSHavana - 10 December 202221. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Melanie Rolo Gonzalez, Cuban Migrant: (transcription below)ASSOCIATED PRESSARCHIVE: Havana - 14 May 202122. Various of nurse administering vaccineASSOCIATED PRESSHavana - 10 December 202223. Wide of Melanie with daughter24. Mid of Madisson in cribASSOCIATED PRESSHavana - 10 December 202225. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Melanie Rolo Gonzalez, Cuban Migrant: (transcription below)26. Various of sisters packing to leave Cuba++SOT PARTIALLY COVERED++27. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Merlyn Rolo Gonzalez, Cuban Migrant: (transcription below)28. Slow push in on photo of three passports on bedASSOCIATED PRESSARCHIVE: Islamorada, Florida - 4 January 202329. Various of migrant vessel on shoreASSOCIATED PRESSARCHIVE: Managua - 27 December 202130. Wide of traffic31. Mid of Nicaraguan flag in breezeVALIDATED UGC - MUST CREDIT MERLYN ROLO GONZALEZ++USER GENERATED CONTENT: This video has been authenticated by AP based on the following validation checks:++Video and audio content checked by regional experts against known locations and events++Video is consistent with independent AP reporting++Video cleared for use by all AP clients by content creator Merlyn Rolo Gonzalez++Mandatory on-screen credit Merlyn Rolo GonzalezNicaragua/Honduras Border - 15 December 202232. Wide of Melanie Rolo Gonzalez carrying Madisson up hillVALIDATED UGC - MAYTE ISABEL DOLADO HERNANDEZ++USER GENERATED CONTENT: This video has been authenticated by AP based on the following validation checks:++Video and audio content checked by regional experts against known locations and events++Video is consistent with independent AP reporting++Video cleared for use by all AP clients by content creator Mayte Isabel Dolado Hernandez++Mandatory on-screen credit Mayte Isabel Dolado HernandezHavana - 13 December 202233. Various of mother, baby and sisters at Havana airportVALIDATED UGC - MUST CREDIT MERLYN ROLO GONZALEZ++USER GENERATED CONTENT: This video has been authenticated by AP based on the following validation checks:++Video and audio content checked by regional experts against known locations and events++Video is consistent with independent AP reporting++Video cleared for use by all AP clients by content creator Merlyn Rolo Gonzalez++Mandatory on-screen credit Merlyn Rolo GonzalezNicaragua/Honduras Border - 15 December 202234. Wide of group walking through fieldASSOCIATED PRESS35. Animated map showing countries the group traversedVALIDATED UGC - MUST CREDIT MERLYN ROLO GONZALEZ++USER GENERATED CONTENT: This video has been authenticated by AP based on the following validation checks:++Video and audio content checked by regional experts against known locations and events++Video is consistent with independent AP reporting++Video cleared for use by all AP clients by content creator Merlyn Rolo Gonzalez++Mandatory on-screen credit Merlyn Rolo GonzalezGuatemala (EXACT LOCATION UNKNOWN)-XX December 202236.  Video of Melanie holding baby, UPSOUND (Spanish): "I'm very tried. I am dying."ASSOCIATED PRESSChiapas State, Mexico – 7 July 202237. Wide, turning shot looking up into forest canopyVALIDATED UGC - MUST CREDIT MERLYN ROLO GONZALEZ++USER GENERATED CONTENT: This photo has been authenticated by AP based on the following validation checks:++Photo content checked by regional experts against known locations and events++Photo is consistent with independent AP reporting++Photo cleared for use by all AP clients by content creator Merlyn Rolo Gonzalez++Mandatory on-screen credit Merlyn Rolo GonzalezEXACT LOCATION UNKNOWN - December 202238. Selfie of sisters and babyASSOCIATED PRESSDaytona Beach, Florida - 3 January 202339. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Melanie Rolo Gonzalez, Cuban Migrant: (transcription below)VALIDATED UGC - MUST CREDIT MERLYN ROLO GONZALEZ++USER GENERATED CONTENT: This photo has been authenticated by AP based on the following validation checks:++Photo content checked by regional experts against known locations and events++Photo is consistent with independent AP reporting++Photo cleared for use by all AP clients COURTESY OF Merlyn Rolo Gonzalez++Mandatory on-screen credit COURTESY OF MERLYN ROLO GONZALEZ40. Tight photo of gash on Merlyn's headVALIDATED UGC - MUST CREDIT SOURCE MERLYN ROLO GONZALEZ++USER GENERATED CONTENT: This video has been authenticated by AP based on the following validation checks:++Photo content checked by regional experts against known locations and events++Photo is consistent with independent AP reporting++Photo cleared for use by all AP clients COURTESY OF MERLYN ROLO GONZALEZ++Mandatory on-screen credit COURTESY OF MERLYN ROLO GONZALEZ41. Photo of wrecked vanVALIDATED UGC - MUST CREDIT SOURCE MERLYN ROLO GONZALEZ++USER GENERATED CONTENT: This video has been authenticated by AP based on the following validation checks:++Photo content checked by regional experts against known locations and events++Photo is consistent with independent AP reporting++Photo cleared for use by all AP clients COURTESY OF MERLYN ROLO GONZALEZ++Mandatory on-screen credit COURTESY OF MERLYN ROLO GONZALEZEl Paso, Texas - 31 December 202242. Wide photo of sisters and child after reaching U.S. soilASSOCIATED PRESSHavana - 31 December 202243. Tight of phone with photo of group in Texas, UPSOUND (Spanish): "Don't worry. Everything is all right now."ASSOCIATED PRESSDaytona Beach, Florida - 3 January 202344. Various of sisters being greeted by family friendsASSOCIATED PRESSHavana - 10 December 2022++SOT COVERED++45. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Melanie Rolo Gonzalez, Cuban Migrant: (transcription below)ASSOCIATED PRESSHavana - 31 December 202246. Tight of mother crying as she talks to daughters on phoneASSOCIATED PRESSDaytona Beach, Florida - 3 January 202347. Wide of sisters talking with mother on phone, UPSOUND (Spanish): "It is over. The nightmare is over."ASSOCIATED PRESSDaytona Beach, Florida - 4 January 202348. Mid portrait of sistersSTORYLINE:THE ROLO GONZALEZ TALK OVER EACH OTHER AS THEY DESCRIBE HOW THE SMUGGLER VAN THEY WERE RIDING IN PLUNGED OFF A MEXICAN ROAD AND INTO A STEEP RAVINE.SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Melanie Rolo Gonzalez, Cuban Migrant""People were thrown from the van. It was 300 meters from top to bottom, along the entire length of the hill."A YOUNG CUBAN MOTHER, HOPING TO JOIN HER HUSBAND IN THE UNITED STATES, DIED.SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Melanie Rolo Gonzalez, Cuban Migrant:"It was not her destiny to arrive here."BUT IT'S A RISK THAT MORE AND MORE ARE WILLING TO TAKE.SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Merlyn Rolo Gonzalez, Cuban Migrant: "You leave, and you don't know if your grandfather will die first, or if a car will run over your mother tomorrow. You don't know. But you just go. Because there is no life here, and you have to get a life somewhere else."IN THE PAST TWO YEARS, MORE THAN 300,000 CUBANS HAVE BEEN DETAINED AT THE U.S.-MEXICO BORDER.SINCE THE DAYS OF THE COLD WAR, CUBANS HAVE ENJOYED A SPECIAL IMMIGRATION STATUS IN THE U.S. BUT THE RECENT EXODUS HAS PUT PRESSURE ON PRESIDENT BIDEN TO STEM THE TIDE.NOW, CUBANS MUST APPLY FOR LIMITED SLOTS ONLINE, AND HAVE A FINANCIAL SPONSOR WAITING FOR THEM IN THE U.S. SOUNDBITE (English) Joe Biden, President:"Do not just show up at the border. Stay where you are and apply legally from there."THE ROLO GONZALEZ SISTERS BEGAN THEIR JOURNEY IN MID-DECEMBER, UNAWARE A POLITICAL CLOCK WAS TICKING.MERLYN, 19, AND MELANIE, 24, WERE ON A PATH TO FULFILLING THEIR DREAM OF JOINING CUBA'S FAMED TRAVELING MEDICAL CORPS. ALL THEY CAN THINK OF NOW IS LEAVING BEHIND THEIR COUNTRY'S STRUGGLING ECONOMY AND LACK OF POLITICAL FREEDOM.DOCTORS HOLD AN HONORED PLACE IN CUBAN SOCIETY. BUT OLDER SISTER MELANIE COULDN'T BEAR SEEING PATIENTS SUFFER DUE TO LACK OF MEDICINE, SUPPLIES, EVEN ELECTRICITY.SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Melanie Rolo Gonzalez, Cuban Migrant:"There are a lot of things wrong. I'm not one of those people who stays quiet about that."LIKE OTHER HIGHLY TRAINED PROFESSIONALS, DOCTORS OFTEN NEED SPECIAL PERMISSION TO LEAVE THE ISLAND.  JUST A YEAR FROM GRADUATING, MELANIE WORRIED HER DEGREE WOULD SOON BECOME A BALL AND CHAIN. AND SHE WANTS SOMETHING BETTER FOR HER ONE-YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER, MADISSON.SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Melanie Rolo Gonzalez, Cuban Migrant:"I feel that now is the moment. It is now or never."NOW THAT THEY'D MADE THE HEART-WRENCHING CHOICE TO LEAVE FAMILY AND FRIENDS, THE SISTERS HAD TO DECIDE WHAT TO TAKE WITH THEM.SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Merlyn Rolo Gonzalez, Cuban Migrant: "You leave Cuba with what you can fit in your backpack, and what you carry in your heart."FOR DECADES, CUBANS TYPICALLY TRIED TO REACH U.S. SHORES BY BOAT. BUT SINCE NICARAGUA LIFTED ITS VISA REQUIREMENT IN 2021, MIGRANTS HAVE BEEN FLYING THERE, THEN TREKING OVERLAND TO MEXICO.USING $20,000 RAISED BY SELLING AN INHERITED HOUSE AND NEARLY EVERYTHING ELSE THEY OWNED, THE SISTERS BOUGHT PLANE TICKETS, THEN PAID A COYOTE NETWORK TO LEAD THEM THROUGH THE MOUNTAINS AND JUNGLES OF NICARAGUA, HONDURAS AND GUATEMALA.UPSOUND (Spanish) Melanie Rolo Gonzalez: "I'm very tired. I am dying." THEY WERE DRIVING THROUGH THE DENSE FORESTS OF SOUTHERN MEXICO WHEN THE VAN SLID OFF A DIRT ROAD. MERLYN AND MADISSON WENT THROUGH THE WINDSHIELD.SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Melanie Rolo Gonzalez, Cuban Migrant:"I thought my daughter had died. Because when they fell, she didn't cry."MADISSON WAS FINE, BUT MERLYN SUFFERED A DEEP GASH ON THE BACK OF HER HEAD. THEY LATER LEARNED THE DRIVER ALSO DIED.FINALLY, ON DECEMBER 31ST, THEY CROSSED THE BORDER NEAR EL PASO, TEXAS – LESS THAN A WEEK BEFORE BIDEN MADE HIS ANNOUNCEMENT.UPSOUND (Spanish) Fellow Migrant: "Don't worry. Everything is all right now."AFTER A BRIEF DETENTION, THE SISTERS WERE RELEASED UNDER A 60-DAY PAROLE. SOON, THEY WERE AT THE HOME OF FAMILY FRIENDS IN FLORIDA. THE SISTERS DON'T KNOW IF THEY WILL EVER BE DOCTORS.  SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Melanie Rolo Gonzalez, Cuban Migrant:"But my daughter could be ... She will have that opportunity and say whatever she wants without anyone telling her not to."UPSOUND (Spanish) Merlyn Rolo Gonzalez: "It is over. It is over. The nightmare is over."ALLEN BREED, ASSOCIATED PRESS===========================================================Clients are reminded: (i) to check the terms of their licence agreements for use of content outside news programming and that further advice and assistance can be obtained from the AP Archive on: Tel +44 (0) 20 7482 7482 Email: they should check with the applicable collecting society in their Territory regarding the clearance of any sound recording or performance included within the AP Television News service (iii) they have editorial responsibility for the use of all and any content included within the AP Television News service and for libel, privacy, compliance and third party rights applicable to their Territory. Hope defeats despair in sisters' journey to the US