MSN - AP World MSN - AP World Copyright © 2010-2018 The Canadian Press. All rights reserved. Sat, 07 Sep 2024 05:07:07 +0000 Trump: Not watching 'sham' impeachment hearings President Donald Trump insists he hasn't watched "one minute" of the impeachment hearings, which he called "a joke." He made the comments during a news conference with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. (Nov. 13) 2f8aef3e9d2a4f42a71d90ef2d2b4678 Wed, 13 Nov 2019 23:17:12 +0000 RESTRICTION SUMMARY: AP CLIENTS ONLYSHOTLIST:ASSOCIATED PRESS - AP CLIENTS ONLYWashington, DC - 13 November 20191. Mid shot of President Trump and President Erdogan at East Room news conference as reporter asks question on impeachment2. Cutaway of reporter3. SOUNDBITE (English) Donald Trump, US President:"Are you talking about the witch hunt? Is that what you mean? Is that what you're talking about? I hear it's a joke. I haven't watched. I haven't watched for one minute because I've been with the president, which is much more important as far as I'm concerned. This is a sham and shouldn't be allowed. It was a situation that was caused by people that shouldn't have allowed it to happen. I want to find out who is the whistleblower, because the whistleblower gave a lot of very incorrect information, including my call with the president of Ukraine, which was a perfect call and highly appropriate. And he wrote something that was much different than the fact. I want to find out why the IG (Inspector General), why would he have presented that when in fact, all he had to do is check the call itself and he would have seen it. I'm going to be releasing, I think on Thursday a second call, which actually was the first of the two. And you'll make a determination as to what you think there. But I've heard just a report, they said it's all third hand information. Nothing direct at all. Can't be direct because I never said it. And all they have to do is look very, very simply at the transcript. If you read the transcript, this was analyzed by great lawyers."++WHITE FLASH BETWEEN SOUNDBITES++4. SOUNDBITE (English) Donald Trump, US President:"So that this country gets put through that, that we have to waste this gentlemen's time by even thinking about it, talking about it. I'd much rather focus on peace in the Middle East. And I hear that it's I hear that it's a hoax and it's being played as a hoax. That's what I hear. But you'll have to tell me."5. UPSOUND: Fox News reporter John Roberts asking a question:"I know that you didn't spend a lot of time glued to the TV today but there was one moment when Ambassador Bill Taylor recanted a conversation that an aide of his overheard, it was the day after the phone call with Zelenskiy, on July the 26th, in which the aide says that he overheard you say to Sondland, how are things going, preceding with the investigations?"6. SOUNDBITE (English) Donald Trump, US President:"I know nothing about that, first time I've heard it. The one thing I've seen that Sondland said was that he did speak to me for a brief moment, and I said no quid pro quo under any circumstances. And that's true. The other, I've never heard this. In any event, it's more second hand information. But I've never heard it. (Reporter) Do you recall having a conversation with Sondland? I don't recall. No, not at all. Not even a little bit. The only thing and I guess Sondland stayed with his testimony that there was no quid pro quo, pure and simple."STORYLINE: President Donald Trump said he wants to find out who is the whistleblower whose complaint about his July phone call with Ukraine's president spurred the impeachment inquiry.Trump made his comments during a White House news conference with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Trump claimed he did not watch the first day of public hearings of the impeachment inquiry, saying, "I hear it's a joke. I haven't watched for one minute because I've been with the president" of Turkey.He reiterated his claim that the whistleblower complaint was "much different" from the facts of his call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.The whistleblower expressed alarm that Trump attempted to pressure Zelenskiy to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son while holding up U.S. military aid.Trump also denied he asked a U.S. ambassador about "investigations" in Ukraine a day after his call with that country's president.The existence of the call was revealed Wednesday by William Taylor, the top U.S. diplomat in Ukraine. He testified that one of his staffers overheard Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, speaking on the phone with Trump on July 26.Sondland used his cellphone to call Trump, and the staff member could hear Trump on the phone asking about "the investigations."Trump told reporters he knows "nothing about that," adding, "First time I've heard it."===========================================================Clients are reminded: (i) to check the terms of their licence agreements for use of content outside news programming and that further advice and assistance can be obtained from the AP Archive on: Tel +44 (0) 20 7482 7482 Email: they should check with the applicable collecting society in their Territory regarding the clearance of any sound recording or performance included within the AP Television News service (iii) they have editorial responsibility for the use of all and any content included within the AP Television News service and for libel, privacy, compliance and third party rights applicable to their Territory. President Donald Trump insists he hasn't watched "one minute" of the impeachment hearings, which he called "a joke." He made the comments during a news conference with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. (Nov. 13) Trump: Not watching 'sham' impeachment hearings