MSN - AP World MSN - AP World Copyright © 2010-2018 The Canadian Press. All rights reserved. Fri, 06 Sep 2024 23:10:42 +0000 AP Top Stories Sept. 4 P Here are the top stories for Wednesday, Sept. 4th: Bahamas devastation getting clearer after Dorian; South Fla. residents pack relief supplies for Bahamas; UK prime minister wants snap election in October; Berlin Zoo says twin panda cubs getting better. 1dd24275e25b4fa79a7fbc0102c85423 Wed, 04 Sep 2019 23:00:36 +0000 RESTRICTION SUMMARY: SEE SCRIPT BELOWSHOTLIST:A.(DORIAN LATEST)ASSOCIATED PRESS - AP CLIENTS ONLYFreeport, Bahamas - 3 September 20191. Various of damage and people in Freeport after hurricaneNOAA - MUST CREDITNo Location - 4 September 20192. Graphic showing projected path of Hurricane DorianNASA - MUST CREDITSpace - 4 September 20193. Shot of Hurricane Dorian from cameras on International Space Station in space B. (DORIAN RELIEF)ASSOCIATED PRESS - AP CLIENTS ONLYMiami - 3 September 20194 .Various of residents packing relief supplies C. (BREXIT)PARLIAMENTARY RECORDING UNIT - NEWS USE ONLY, STRICTLY NOT TO BE USED IN ANY COMEDY/SATIRICAL PROGRAMMING OR FOR ADVERTISING PURPOSES; ONLINE USE PERMITTED BUT MUST CARRY CLIENT'S OWN LOGO OR WATERMARK ON VIDEO FOR ENTIRE TIME OF USE; NO ARCHIVELondon - 4 September 20195.  Various of Boris Johnson and House of Commons voteD. (GERMANY PANDAS)BERLIN ZOO HANDOUT - MUST CREDIT BERLIN ZOO; MATERIAL CAN ONLY BE USED FOR THE PURPOSES OF REPORTING ON ZOO BERLIN. ALL OTHER RIGHTS ARE RESERVED, PARTICULARLY, BUT NOT EXCLUSIVELY, THE RIGHT TO USE THIS MATERIAL FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES. Berlin - 4 September 20196. Various of veterinarians and zookeepers feeding, handling newborn giant panda cubsVOICEOVER SCRIPT: THIS IS AP NEWSMINUTE.(DORIAN LATEST)HURRICANE DORIAN'S WRATH IS BECOMING CLEARER IN THE BAHAMAS AS THE STORM -- NOW A CATEGORY 2 HURRICANE - MOVED NORTH  - THREATENING THE COAST OF GEORGIA AND THE CAROLINAS.WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DORIAN WAS CENTERED ABOUT 115 MILES EAST OF JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA -- MOVING NORTHWEST AT 9 MILES PER HOUR. --------------------------------(BAHAMAS RELIEF)RESIDENTS IN SOUTH FLORIDA - WHO WERE SPARED DORIAN'S FURY -- HAVE BEEN PACKING SUPPLIES TO PROVIDE RELIEF FOR BAHAMIANS -- WHERE THE DEATH TOLL STOOD AT 7 ON WEDNESDAY -- BUT IS EXPECTED TO RISE. -----------------------------------(BREXIT LATEST)BRITISH PRIME MINISTER BORIS JOHNSON WANTS LAWMAKERS TO SUPPORT HIS CALL FOR A SNAP ELECTION NEXT MONTH AFTER HE WAS DEALT A BLOW BY THE HOUSE OF COMMONS WHICH VOTED TO KEEP BRITAIN FROM LEAVING THE EUROPEAN UNION WITHOUT A BREXIT DEAL.JOHNSON SAYS A VOTE IS NEEDED TO DETERMINE WHO SHOULD GOVERN -- AND HE NEEDS A TWO-THIRDS MAJORITY VOTE TO CALL AN ELECTION.--------------------------------------------(GERMANY PANDAS) A BERLIN ZOO THAT RECENTLY ANNOUNCED A FIRST FOR GERMANY -- THE BIRTH OF TWO GIANT PANDA CUBS -- SAYS THE CUBS ARE DOING WELL THANKS TO THE CARE OF A CHINESE KEEPER.THE ZOO SAYS THE KEEPER HAS BEEN GIVING THE YOUNGER TWIN CUB MILK PUMPED FROM ITS MOTHER.IT SAYS BOTH CUBS LOST WEIGHT JUST AFTER BIRTH, BUT ARE NOW DOING WELL.NED BARKER....ASSOCIATED PRESS....WITH AP NEWSMINUTE. ===========================================================Clients are reminded: (i) to check the terms of their licence agreements for use of content outside news programming and that further advice and assistance can be obtained from the AP Archive on: Tel +44 (0) 20 7482 7482 Email: they should check with the applicable collecting society in their Territory regarding the clearance of any sound recording or performance included within the AP Television News service (iii) they have editorial responsibility for the use of all and any content included within the AP Television News service and for libel, privacy, compliance and third party rights applicable to their Territory. Here are the top stories for Wednesday, Sept. 4th: Bahamas devastation getting clearer after Dorian; South Fla. residents pack relief supplies for Bahamas; UK prime minister wants snap election in October; Berlin Zoo says twin panda cubs getting better. AP Top Stories Sept. 4 P