MSN - AP World MSN - AP World Copyright © 2010-2018 The Canadian Press. All rights reserved. Sat, 27 Jul 2024 03:40:14 +0000 Biden: Strong jobs show economic plan working 12ce9b0f1eb644d2af178431ec673d0f Fri, 03 Feb 2023 16:43:32 +0000 SHOTLIST:RESTRICTION SUMMARY:++SOUNDBITES SEPARATED BY WHITE FLASHES++US NETWORK POOLWashington, DC - 3 February 20231. Wide, President Joe Biden walks into South Court Auditorium 2. SOUNDBITE (English) Joe Biden, U.S. President:"Next week, I'll be reporting on the State of the Union. But today, today, I'm happy to report at the state of the union and the state of our economy is strong. We learned this morning that the economy's created 517,000 jobs just last month. More than half a million jobs in just the month of January. In addition, we also learned that we ... a half a million more jobs created last year than we thought. So the January report is updated. I mean, excuse me the December report is updated. Add that all up, it means you created 12 million, 12 million jobs since I took office. That means we have created more jobs in two years than any presidential term than any time in two years. That's the strongest two years of job growth in history by a long shot."++WHITE FLASHE++3. SOUNDBITE (English) Joe Biden, U.S. President:"We also learned that the unemployment rate fell to 3.4%, 3.4%. That's the lowest in 54 years. In fact, the last time unemployment rate was that low was May of 1969. Think about that."++WHITE FLASHE++4. SOUNDBITE (English) Joe Biden, U.S. President:"Here's where we stand: The strongest job growth in history, the lowest unemployment rate in 54 years. Manufacturing rebounding in faster rate than in the last 40 years. Inflation coming down. Real raises, real wages going up, but moderately going up. Not going through the roof. The economy growing at a solid clip. Put simply, I would argue the Biden economic plan is working."5. Wide, Biden speakingSTORYLINE:Reflecting on the strength of new U.S. jobs numbers, President Joe Biden says his "economic plan is working."The government said Friday that employers added a sizzling 517,000 jobs last month and that the unemployment rate dipped to 3.4%, the lowest level since 1969. The job gain was so large it left economists scratching their heads and wondering why the Fed's aggressive interest rate hikes haven't slowed hiring at a time when many foresee a recession nearing.Friday's report instead added to the picture of a resilient U.S. labor market, with low unemployment, relatively few layoffs and many job openings. Though good for workers, employers' steady demand for labor has also helped accelerate wage growth and contributed to high inflation.On top of the job growth it reported for January, the government on Friday also revised up its estimate of the gains in November and December by a combined 71,000.January's hiring was broad-based across industries. A category that includes restaurants and bars added 99,000 workers. Professional and business services jobs, including bookkeepers and consultants, rose by 82,000.===========================================================Clients are reminded: (i) to check the terms of their licence agreements for use of content outside news programming and that further advice and assistance can be obtained from the AP Archive on: Tel +44 (0) 20 7482 7482 Email: they should check with the applicable collecting society in their Territory regarding the clearance of any sound recording or performance included within the AP Television News service (iii) they have editorial responsibility for the use of all and any content included within the AP Television News service and for libel, privacy, compliance and third party rights applicable to their Territory. Biden: Strong jobs show economic plan working